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Digital versus Traditional


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Fiverr now has become one of the biggest and convenient platforms for showcasing and selling Digital Art. But from what I have observed, many art lovers on Fiverr still understand digital painting as a way to create breath-taking and inspiring works of art without having to really do the work. I have been using traditional methods of creating art before I started working digitally. I think some people outside the digital sphere assume that the computer does everything and the artist is just a tool. But the opposite is true, and to me that is the trickiest part of working digitally.

Applications like Photoshop, Painter and many others are simply tools to create art. I strongly believe that Digital Art can not replace traditional forms of creating art. After all you would miss out on the fun of getting your fingers and clothes dirty.

The process is the same. “How should I set up this composition?” “Where is my focal point?” “What colour pallet should I use?” I think these questions are infinitely more valuable to ask yourself and others instead of “What do you use to create art?” “Are you a traditional or a digital painter?” The latter questions relate to a technical problem while the former relate to a creative one. Both sets are completely valid to ask but I think the creative questions will set a final destination for a piece of art. What is your take on this?

Sheriff’s Note: When attaching an image to the forum, please limit the dimensions to 670 (width) x 315 (height) pixels.

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