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My Impressions are falling


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Hello everyone, am a newbie on fiverr and I just joined this community as well.

I noticed an alarming fall in impression yesterday evening and it hasnt stopped since then?

Please, what can I do stop this? 

And how can I promote my gigs?

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Guest lloydsolutions
9 minutes ago, henryhacks said:

Hello everyone, am a newbie on fiverr and I just joined this community as well.

As with starting any business, it takes time and effort to build your Fiverr business.

Start by reading this: 

Welcome to the forum. Enjoy! 🙂

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  • 3 months later...

Hello Community!

Am new here and i will like to know if there is a way of receiving my first order.

I have joined fiverr for about 2 month and have not receiver my first order 

what should i do ?

is there any selling low competitive service i can render?

Is there any link to fiverr community ?

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Posting the same stuff multiple times is not ok.

Leaving that aside:

  • Create a service that's unique, since it will make you stand out
  • Record a video for your gig, not every seller does that
  • Be authentic and share a picture of yourself
  • Improve your skills and become the best in your niche. 
9 minutes ago, henryhacks said:

is there any selling low competitive service i can render?


Focus on becoming the best in what you do and stop looking to make money from the simplest service you can sell right now. If you want success and sales, you want to be unique. Don't copy others, and stop trying to go for the low hanging fruit because that's what everyone does. Hard work, blood and sweat poured into everything you do will help you reach that goal. I know you want the recipe to success, but there isn't one. You just have to figure it out on your own. I just gave a few tips for you to get started. Whether you choose to follow them or not, that's up to you.

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