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please tell me the processs how to get data entry job.

Create a gig based on your skills and what you know you can do well. Highlight your skills. Research your target audience. Are you primarily there to help businesses, or individuals?

Market yourself based on who you want to attract. Do market research and search for data entry gigs on fiverr to see what the competition is doing and how to stay in line with the expected standards of work. Include good SEO and high quality gig images that look professional.

Price yourself lower than average in the beginning in order to attract clients and get some feedback before increasing your prices. Include attractive options like fast delivery time, and include some revisions (NEVER unlimited though. Limit free revisions to a specific number - even if it is a high number like 5-10, do not offer unlimited).

Make sure to proofread your gig - using bad spelling and grammar is off-putting and can make you seem less professional, and like you may not understand a client's needs. Avoid using "sir" and "ma'am" or other terms (I have been called "dear", "honey" etc - this is not appropriate at all). It is best to just refer to people by their name or nothing at all. Instead of "Dear sir", just "hello" is much better.

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