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Seller requesting order marked as complete



Hi, the seller on my website is requesting me mark the order complete, while there are some outstanding bits remaining (payment options, content etc). The bulk of the site is done. 

I'm worried that if I mark it as complete and he doesn't deliver I'll be left with no remedy. He's saying he gets checked by Fiverr and if he doesn't deliver he gets banned or something.

Advice please asap!



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1 answer to this question

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Only mark it complete when it's actually complete and you don't need any more revisions.

Technically they could send new stuff through the inbox after completion but it's not the proper place. If he knows there are still things needing doing/revising he shouldn't be asking to mark it complete (he shouldn't really be asking someone to mark it complete even if the work was completely done with no revisions needed). He might just stop responding/doing work on it once it's set to complete even if the work isn't finished.

Also if he delivered the order knowing that the work asked for wasn't completely done (eg. missing payment options, content, if you had asked for those in the order requirements) it would actually be classed as a partial delivery and against Fiverr Terms of Service).

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