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GIG Marketing Tips


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You can Promote and share Your Gig on All Social Networking site. like Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instragram, Pinterest, Facebook etc. I think Twitter and Linkedin is best.

10 minutes ago, samirbiswas545 said:

Hi There,

Which Social Media Best for Gig Marketing? Please help me.

There are various methods of gig marketing. In this case, one person has succeeded by applying the same method. I will try to discuss several methods. Such as: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Slideshare, Web 2.0, LinkedIn, Question Answer sites, forums, etc. So let's get started!


1= Gig Marketing on Facebook: We are all experts in Facebook again! We know very well how to open an account and how to run it. So I went to work without discussing these.
Share the gig on your Facebook timeline at the beginning. But use the hashtag when sharing.


How to use hashtags? Suppose someone is looking for a Contet Writer. He will come and search by writing Contet Writer. Now, if you post it on your gig as a hashtag #Contet_Writer, your gig share post will show up in that person's search results. So you can get gig orders from there.


Share your gig from your Twitter account.
But, just sharing doesn't have to make a difference. What is that?
Use hashtags.








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