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Low clicks and impression on gigs



I'm not getting enought clicks and impressions on my gigs, plus I've a very low activity of buyers incoming. I was a level 2 seller but got demoted to no level because of the low order complition rate. I just got the order complition rate above 90 and on this 15, I'll get my level 1 badge back. I'm an experienced designed working on fiverr for the last 3 years, have earned more than 5k+ dollars but for the last 6 months, my profile is a very low with orders. Any suggestions or tips?

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On 11/19/2021 at 5:16 PM, vickiespencer said:

No! No! No! NEVER do that! 😱

I am a seller and a buyer here. I would not be happy if a seller I had previously made a purchase from reaching out to me! I might even report them for sending me spam! Do not take this advice.


Thank you Vickiespencer, I appreciate the correction.

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Guest rizvi162

Is your gig is not performed well?

Here are the way


1. Learn SEO Patterns and apply it on your gig

2. Send buyer request regular and do marketing of your gigs on social media

3. Extend your marketing pattern try to rank your profile on Google Bing too by off-page SEO

4. Stop comparing your self to another seller and find out a way that will make extra benefit of your Fiverr profile

5. Know about Fiverr TOS and Algorithm that will increase your knowledge about Fiverr marketplace ! 

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Since you've been on fiverr for a long time, I guess you know most of the tips that are said. I think the only thing to do would be to increase advertising outside of this platform. Sometimes there is a general crisis in which all service providers enter at the same time. This could happen in response to fiverr's share prices, bad reviews and demand gaps. 

In such cases, the best thing to do is to keep your situation stable, even if there is no order.

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On 11/19/2021 at 5:16 PM, vickiespencer said:

No! No! No! NEVER do that! 😱

I am a seller and a buyer here. I would not be happy if a seller I had previously made a purchase from reached out to me! I might even report them for sending me spam! Do not take this advice.


What do you mean by this? I contact old clients all the time with new offers and discounts of the orders they have previously bought. And its alright because they come back as clients again by re-ordering

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