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My gig does not rank after completing 60 days time duration


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I have been working for the last seven months on Fiverr.
But three months ago, three auto orders came to my rank Gig. The client ordered without contacting me. This Works was not related to my service. Three orders I was cancel contracting with the client. Then I increase the price of my gig a bit. After that my gig goes to the last page. last three months I was completed 12 order, my previous client. But my gig still not ranking. The 60-days time duration of Fiverr has ended since the cancellation. I have completed two orders in the last two days. If I search for one specific keyword then I can see still all my gigs on the last page…
Please anyone help me how can I improve my gig again. Please share your opinion or idea, I will be very grateful to you.
my gig link: https://www.fiverr.com/share/rdVZ9D

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