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I was messaged by someone with a username but no picture (fragglesrock maybe?). Said they wanted a book review but I would have to read the word doc (which he would send to me) first? Maybe it was a language barrier but it says he speaks English and is from the US but didn’t seem to speak much English to me. Seemed fishy.

I am obviously not going to open any files but I just wanted others to know there may be a possible scam going on.

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Guest celticmoon

I suppose this could be some sort of scam although it doesn’t sound like one I’ve heard of. You could have the file(s) scanned by your anti-virus software before opening, right? Also, just a reminder, US is still quite the “melting pot”; many, many Americans do not speak English as a primary language. I was a labor & delivery nurse for many years, NOT in a large urban area, but we had so many non-English speaking patients we had to make up a booklet with the commonest questions we needed to ask in about 15 different languages.

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