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Gig Disappeared on search results


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Go to your profile.

Click on the gig you want to update

Click edit

You then go over everything that you typed in your gig and check that everything is good.

You will need to go from section to section and save every section.

At the end you submit your gig (This is very much like you did when you originally made your gigs, but you will just be adding or correcting the old gig.)

Is that beneficial to get my gigs in the search engine

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  • 8 months later...

This is with most sellers here. Customer support will get back to you with a template reply.

I have completed like 100 orders after my gig disappeared 2-3 months back. People with 0 reviews are in search and I can’t even find my gig until the last page.

Guess what? CS says some people might be doing better than you, while I see people with 0 orders in search and all my gigs summing up to 650+ reviews not in search

mian waheed can you help me yesterday i recieved direct order and my order in queue is six and now my gig is dissappeaed.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello there!

I am facing the same issue i.e. cannot find my gig now. It was roaming on the 1st or 2nd page 4-5 days before and I was having 1-2 orders/day from new clients with impression of 800+ and 10-20clicks daily. But 4 days ago, it suddenly disappeared from the search pages under any search tags. I contacted the SC and got the same reply ...deliver on time with least order cancellation ....

Now what is the solution? I made some changes and tried to improve it. Now how much time will I have to wait? until it is back? 


Please reply... I am little worry about it. 

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  • 1 month later...

Fiverr has essentially rendered me out of business with this new "search algorithm" they implemented. I've been at the top of my category for 2 years straight getting loads of inquiries, hiring other workers to keep up with the workflow coming in. Now I've gone without an order for 5 months and was randomly buried on the 19th page of my field of work. Level 2 Seller, 70+ 5 Star reviews, 100% in all categories and now....

It's all for not.

I talked to multiple agents and one even told me they do this for "diversity" on their platform, whatever the hell that means... It's ridiculous that they repay hard work and diligence with utter neglect and still think they deserve taking 20% of the profits... 

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