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Everything you need to know about making ALOT of money through fiverr

Guest thelogostop

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Guest thelogostop

Here we’ll list a few things that will help you succeed through fiverr…

  1. Come up with an idea or process than has either a) not been done yet or b) has been done but you know you can perfect it better than the competition.

  2. Set your gig up professionally. Lets face it. Majority of consumers out there are very skeptical and want to know that the product or service they are purchasing is legit and going to be worth it! What better way to start your gig off by making sure a) your title is good b) your description not only covers everything but looks professional c) your tags are the most relevant to what you’re trying to provide d) your pictures are good and show examples of your work e) making a video so that buyers can see what you do and visualize it. With those easy steps done, you now should have a pretty good gig set up

  3. Market yourself. PLAIN & SIMPLE. We hear too much “Oh I’m not on facebook or twitter” “Ahhh I don’t know how to use social media site” GET INVOLVED. The first step to succeeding is actually JUST taking that first step! So make sure you get on facebook, whether making a fan page or personal account, get on twitter, make an instagram, learn different social media sites! Learn about blogging, make a YOUTUBE account, visit forums, visit the FIVERR forum. Crap, even go as far as making business cards! You would be surprised how well those could do! The way you market yourself on fiverr will be the result on how much you make on this WONDERFUL website. So get ready. MARKET YOURSELF

  4. Have professionalism with your customers. THAT’S RIGHT! They are YOUR customers for the short period of time when a transaction is being made from them to you. You may not be business savy but always remember the golden rule of all time. “Do on to others as you would want them to do onto you.” Treat your customers with a high level of respect. Promise, that will bring MANY orders back to you.

  5. DELIVERY should be taken into account when doing fiverr. Set up a time when you think you will NEVER be late. Also when finishing an order, its NEVER bad to deliver earlier than expected. We get so many AWESOME reviews when we do that! So take note of delivery procedures.

  6. Last but not least, WORK YOUR BUTT OFF. Like the great Arnold said. " No pain, No gain." Its funny but SO TRUE. Work your butt off and even if you don’t see results so quick, just keep going. There is a great picture out there that we once seen and it really had an impact on us. We left it at the end of this post so you can check it out!

    Thanks for reading! If any of you need logo videos, we are the ONE STOP shop! We wish success on all of you and good luck on FIVERR.

    NEVER STOP WORKING HARD PICTURE LINK - http://i45.tinypic.com/sbrono.jpg
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That was very informative and Thank you. All providers in Fiverr should read your article, I work just as you described, I sometimes need a provider myself from fiverr, but not always getting good results, in fact I just had a bad provider who does a Joomla gig, and waited 4 days with no reply from him and in the end he did not deliver!, very frustrating experience.

so there are also a lot of time wasters here also, I’ve never treaed my customers like that, I always treat with respect and always try to beat the expectations and so far I have not failed, I have many customers who keeps coming back to me as they know the quality service I provide along with excellent results with their project.

If people do what they are supposed to be doing here in fiverr, then they will never make another mistake and can even make a living if they stick to the rules!, Honesty - Quality - Speed, that’s usually enough towards becoming very successful.



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And just because it’s a fiverr, don’t think for one second that the customer shouldn’t expect (and get) the world. It’s not the buyers fault (or problem) that you chose to sell a service or product on a $5 market place. You need to make your offer of very high value to the buyer and still be reasonable for you to deliver, so that you don’t come unglued when the occasional buyer does expect the world, or doesn’t like you work or product.

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I agree 100% with #1.

Your process is something that competition rarely knows something about - unless you share it with them. They may copy your keywords, gig description, gig title, etc. but they wouldn’t know the process how you turn your buyers requirements into making your actual product.

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