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Report people who give out contact information


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I get people who ask for my contact details or people who ask me to call them or email them and they send their phone number or email adress. This happens all the time. Am I supposed to report them? Is this something that is obligatory and expected of me?

If yes, where can I report the messages? There should be some sort of quick link in the private messaging systems where you quickly report the person. It feels stupid creating a new support ticket just to report people who give out personal contact details, as if Support haven’t got enough tickets already, I’d probably have to send in several tickets every week!

Any tips?

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@print_it, the point you made about not really wanting to create support tickets to further burden CS resonated for me.

When that happens to me, I send a short, polite and professional message to the person explaining why that’s against Fiverr’s TOS and/or why I wouldn’t jeopardize my account/business by communicating outside the Fiverr system…or some appropriate variation of that.

I have it saved in a notepad so that it only needs to be pasted in instead of typing a message each time.

I believe some people really don’t know the TOS, and may not need to be reported. In sending a quick note, perhaps I have informed them of something they didn’t know. I still don’t know all of Fiverr’s TOS.

I would rather see the already burdened CS spend time creating better tools for sellers, creating a fairer cancellation policy, improving their systems to prevent account hackers/scammers etc.

At the end of the day, no one can force me to communicate with them where I don’t want to. So I can easily handle this type of request on my own. In my offline world, I only call the police if I really have to.

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betterbiztools said:

When that happens to me, I send a short, polite and professional message to the person explaining why that's against Fiverr's TOS and/or why I wouldn't jeopardize my account/business by communicating outside the Fiverr system....or some appropriate variation of that.


Betterbiztools - That is how I've ALWAYS done in the past, I tell them politely I will not give out my contact information and I explain it's against the terms of service. But this time, the person reacted different, he was mad because I didn't want to email him and he ended up giving me a negative review for this!


So I thought I might just as well report him.


What I mean is, why should I be punished for informing him of the Terms of Service? It's not fair. I completed his order and it was marked as complete. He contacts me several weeks later wanting me to email the graphics to him. When I explain why I can't, he becomes very angry, and everything results in a negative review.

kjblynx said: Hover over the offending message and click Report on the bottom right side of the message. It is faded, but it will work.

I did that but it apparently didn't work, it doesn't seem to be the way to actually "report" someone for giving out their personal info. When I clicked the link the message I got was "XXX will no longer be able to contact you. Submit an unspam request to undo this."



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print_it said: Betterbiztools - That is how I've ALWAYS done in the past, I tell them politely I will not give out my contact information and I explain it's against the terms of service. But this time, the person reacted different, he was mad because I didn't want to email him and he ended up giving me a negative review for this!


So I thought I might just as well report him.


What I mean is, why should I be punished for informing him of the Terms of Service? It's not fair. I completed his order and it was marked as complete. He contacts me several weeks later wanting me to email the graphics to him. When I explain why I can't, he becomes very angry, and everything results in a negative review.


First, you are under no obligation to enforce the fiverr TOS. You have of course agreed to abide by it... So in answer to your question, you needn't report.


Second, if you got negative feedback BECAUSE you wouldn't violate the TOS screen capture that history and send it to the fiverr Customer Support staff. In cases like this, the feedback will often be removed.


There is a problem though, unless you also have support cancel the order (refunding the TOS violator) they can come back and hit you with a negative. so I suggest you eat it (the money) after you beat it (get the negative removed).

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