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If I change my gig image, will it lose its ranking?


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Guest lloydsolutions

One of my gigs is on search first page. If I change my gig image, will it lose its ranking?

Please tell me if you know this dear. Thank you.

If you type “gig rank lost after editing” in the search bar above there are several posts on the subject which you may find interesting.

Please tell me if you know this dear.

Tip: Suggest you do not address others as dear, brother, sister, mate, man, etc. as lots of people don’t like it and it will put many buyers off.

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If you type “gig rank lost after editing” in the search bar above there are several posts on the subject which you may find interesting.

Please tell me if you know this dear.

Tip: Suggest you do not address others as dear, brother, sister, mate, man, etc. as lots of people don’t like it and it will put many buyers off.

thank you so much…

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