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Need advice : Can I give custom url for showing samples


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Hello , a lot of my customers ask for showing samples of my work and there is no way to do that on fiverr because I don’t deliver images in the final work . Anyways , I have created an album of the images of my work on famous website fragglesrock , I want to ask that will it be fine if I give the url to my clients and display it on my profile , I don’t want my profile banned by fiverr . How can I confirm it from the customer support . The url is http://fragglesrock/ and don’t give anyone any way to contact me outside fiverr .

Sheriff’s Note: Off Fiverr links are not allowed here or on Fiverr. There are a few exceptions, Like YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, SoundCloud.

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This does not seem that it is applied across the board because I have seen gigs that have links that go to a portfolio album on the big search engine.

Perhaps those gigs were setup before this rule was started.

I hope Fiverr does allow it at some point because I get asked the same question from buyers wanting to see a portfolio of work.

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Guest itsyourthing

I don’t understand how you have a video of images somewhere else but yet you won’t show images/video in your Fiverr profile.

As a level two seller, you should know how the site works. Or perhaps you’re one of the sellers another forum poster was referring to when she mentioned spamming the forum by asking questions?

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@itsyourthing, I’m not sure you understand what the request is.

Both @hearsid and I want to have a way to send people to an album that shows a portfolio of our work or other options that are available to the buyer but are not easily displayed in the gig.

Speaking for myself, I’m not interested in spamming anyone. Your comment “As a level two seller, you should know how the site works.” is quite condescending and berating. There are top sellers who come on here and ask questions. We all learn new things as we go here on Fiverr, regardless of the level.

I do web design and ebook covers and it would be easier if I could send someone to an album that shows all of the types/sizes of covers they could choose from or… in the case of website design be able to send them to an album that shows all of the design templates they can choose from.

I know of at least 2 sellers that provide a link to their album on the “Big search engine”. So that’s why I say that this rule is not applied across the board.

But, now that I know, that twitter and YT links are allowed…that provides another option of doing the same thing. Yeah it’s true, as a level two seller, I did not know that prior to reading this forum post.

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@voiceoverwork, I tried modeling one of my gig descriptions off of one of the sellers I mentioned above, with a portfolio elsewhere and, of course, it was not allowed.

You mentioned that YouTube and Flickr links are allowed in Fiverr profile, are they allowed in the gig description also?

(edited) nevermind…I see how @hearsid did it in his gig description with a link to Flickr. I’m off to set up a Flickr account… Thanks 🙂

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In my Sheriff’s note ^ I mentioned YT, Flickr, Soundcloud, Twitter as the ones we know are okay to use. I didn’t reiterate SoundCloud or Twitter in subsequent post, I didn’t think they fit your purpose. You see YT and Flickr links everywhere on Fiverr. I wouldn’t over do it, and it seems (to me) the description is the right place for it. 🙂

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Guest itsyourthing

No, I don’t understand the OP.

“I don’t deliver images”

"I have created an album of images"

Unless I’m mistaken each gig allows the posting of video or images in its description.

I didn’t intend to “berate” anyone, I’m just naturally suspicious when a person asks a question relating to something that’s part of the process for setting up a gig in the first place, and the obvious answer to “How can I confirm it from the Customer Support” would be to ask Customer Support. Placing the link just seemed blatant.

Wrong as I may be, it all adds up to a reasonable assumption that a.) the OP is just seeking attention for their work, or b.) the OP didn’t want to bother jumping through the CS hoops to get a definite answer (and get some attention along the way.)

I apologize if I’m incorrect, and in any case, you all have it sorted out.

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Hi @itsyourthing I definitely admire your strong beliefs but I think perhaps its best to give the member the benefit of the doubt. I’ve noticed that one can get in trouble for inadvertently posting ‘non-permitted’ links, which isn’t always clear (at least to me it isn’t but then again I am only level 1!). Seeing as the Customer Support page itself recommends the user forums before contacting them with questions, it seems as though he was just trying to figure out the right way to go about it.

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Guest itsyourthing

@lillymae, I appreciate your diplomacy. 🙂 I know CS tries to get people to use the forum instead of taking up their time, but on questions that are so important, it’s better to get it in ‘writing’ from CS. (Even though different CS reps may have different answers or the ‘rules’ may change from day to day.)

And to criticize my hastiness a bit, it’s also possible that the OP wasn’t aware of how ambiguous Fiverr is with their ‘rules’ and may have actually thought that other sellers would be able to provide a reliable answer. That is rarely the case - different things apply, and are applied, in what seems to be almost a random fashion. Such is Fiverr. 🙂

In defense of my hastiness, it’s a little odd that the OP didn’t come back with follow-up questions or to thank the helpful forum folks either. Such is the Fiverr forum. 🙂

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Guest itsyourthing
lillymae said: I'm actually still curious why Pinterest isn't included in that list...


If you ever figure out why Fiverr does or does not do anything, please share with the rest of the class. It might save some hand-wringing and hair-pulling. ;)

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