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No more 14 days....!


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Great news for TRS. With the new Fiverr’s Level System the TRS are eligibility for various benefits.
Most importantly the fiverr earning clearance period is reduced to 7 days from 14 days period.

I’m glad to have it… 🙂


Great news for TRS. With the new Fiverr’s Level System the TRS are eligibility for various benefits.

Most importantly the fiverr earning clearance period is reduced to 7 days from 14 days period.

I’m glad to have it… 🙂

As a TRS yourself, I thought you knew about this ever since it was introduced - the 7 days clearance period was introduced a long time ago (we even received the news via a Fiverr success newsletter email), so you had it ever since you became TRS and you didn’t know you had 7 days clearance until now? 🙂


As a TRS yourself, I thought you knew about this ever since it was introduced - the 7 days clearance period was introduced a long time ago (we even received the news via a Fiverr success newsletter email), so you had it ever since you became TRS and you didn’t know you had 7 days clearance until now? 🙂 … I didn’t know until I saw those benefits today.

Actually I’m dealing with many orders per day and I wasn’t really care about the clearing period until now.

However thanks for let me know about it.

Like added!


Oh!! really?? My bad 😦 … I didn’t know until I saw those benefits today.

Actually I’m dealing with many orders per day and I wasn’t really care about the clearing period until now.

However thanks for let me know about it.

Like added!

Actually I’m dealing with many orders per day and I wasn’t really care about the clearing period until now.

Finally someone like me who didn’t care much as long as the orders were coming in 🙂


Actually I’m dealing with many orders per day and I wasn’t really care about the clearing period until now.

Finally someone like me who didn’t care much as long as the orders were coming in 🙂

Hahaha… Of course!

You are absolutely right.


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