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Over 450 Buyer requests since I got to level 1


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Hello. I am a new seller and recently got promoted to level 1. But I am facing a problem here now. Since I got myself to level 1, I am seeing over 450-460 buyer requests daily and they aren’t even refreshing on daily basis, they are the same requests I saw a week ago. I do not know what to do and feel I’m in trouble since buyer requests had been what I have been solely earning through.

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No the problem is not that. What I am troubled with, is that I am stuck with those same old buyer requests. According to issuing dates, they are atleast a months old. How can I send them offers. I removed all the 450+ request. I am getting new ones but in those requests I also see those old requests reappearing with a date tag of month older dates.

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Guest rahul80400

Simply go to your buyer request delete those sent request! and wait and try using a cache cleared browser! Just a suggestion sometimes that helps too!

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Simply go to your buyer request delete those sent request! and wait and try using a cache cleared browser! Just a suggestion sometimes that helps too!

Okay I’ve deleted all of them and i am getting new requests but those old one just don’t go away themselves. They had to be removed manually. Number of requests in my buyer request section keeps on increasing daily since old ones are not vanishing away. In this way, I just cannot decide whether the request I am gonna respond to is fresh or outdated (Simply the date of issuance is not enough to tell you whether it is new or old, since it could have been vanished any time since its issuance)

Kind Regards

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  • 4 years later...
29 minutes ago, danielochinasa said:

Hello everyone

Hey Daniel

  Its me from four years ago. I’m gonna go on record as to assume that everything is totally fine four years from now in 2021. Strong world economy, powered cars, healthy population. That sort of thing. 

After all, here in 2017 - our mantra is, “it can’t get any worse.” 

I’m gonna hold out hope - rather than give in to my impulses and yell, “I’d sell my soul to just stay home and not have to do anything!!!” 

Wouldn’t it be hilarious if by simply yelling that, I conjured some fate demon? And by the mere act of selling my soul to sit around in sweatpants, I inadvertently drove the world into a complete lock down? That would be crazy, no? Like, let’s say in September of 2019 … or some random time like that. 

Boy, I’m sure glad I haven’t done that here in 2017. 

Take care. I’m sure you’re guys are doing great! I’m positive that it’s a less divisive, artistically thriving time. Good cinema movies to watch, new people to meet and get close to. It’s gonna be great! 

Welp. You better be off. I’ll see you when I get there. 

- 2017 Tommy 

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