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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Google Translation: Customer contact. How to contact the client for job details. I need to get in touch and I don't know how or where to send a new message. Answer: You cannot contact buyers. Buyers will find you on their own if they will ever need your services.
  2. Question for you: Aren't you a WordPress and WooCommerce Expert? If you don't know this thing, then how can you work for your buyer if he/she ever faces this issue?
  3. You might be not eligible for Promoted Gigs yet because of additional quality metrics.
  4. I'm sorry but it happened because of your poor services so nothing can be done. Bear the consequences and try to deliver quality services and improve your communication skills as well. This review cannot be removed as it might be legit.
  5. Check In: Though I am not even tagged here. 👀😊 This year (2023) has been pretty tough and difficult for me but somehow I made it through. Family: It was tough because of my mother's fractured arm surgery so I was the caretaker for her (now she's doing well but her right knee is hurting these days due to usage of so many stairs 😢), taking care of everything and family at home (overheads, kitchen, cooking, driving etc.). It can be said that I have been managing everything at home and my family alone. Fiverr: A lot of updates have been rolled out on Fiverr this year but nothing has been affected me so far. In terms of sales, it went good too but I can say that it was 5% less than 2022's sales, it's fine for me. Been trying to stay active on the Forum though it's messy but still I'm here. Health: It's Winter season here but winters have never been good to me as it always brings my cough allergy back (according to Doctor, it's Asthma but I think it's not). It only happens in Winters not in other seasons. Nowadays, I am doing well because of anti-allergy medicines. I hope in 2024, everything goes well in terms of health, wealth, happiness and life. ✌️ Edit: Oh I forgot to add one more thing: I have always been obliged to all the experienced sellers here as I have been learning a lot from them. Cannot tag everyone here but gonna mention their names (filipdevaere, smashradio, vickieito, vickiespencer, catwriter, uk1000, melanielm, imagination7413, Lena, milos_siena, priyank_mod, katakatica, vibronx, maitasun, breals, mandyzines, donnovan86 and others too). Thank you for everything.
  6. Read the following article: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/10092069817617-Set-up-your-Auto-Reply Source: Fiverr Help Center > Order management > Communication tools > Seller communication tools
  7. Instead of focusing on gig ranking, you should focus on your impressions and clicks that they are increasing or dropping with the passage of time. That will tell you the performance of your gig. Gig ranking on search results are different for each user.
  8. Is your buyer's account still active on Fiverr? If yes, then it won't be a chargeback.. Check this first. I cannot see a review of canceled order on your profile? Also, you cannot request Fiverr Support to remove the review else your account might get in trouble so avoid asking for it.
  9. Hello too Due to your inactivity, Fiverr has paused your gigs. Contact Fiverr Support and discuss about it. They'll give you some instructions to follow and then your gigs will be activated.
  10. You have no idea about the private reviews because it's hidden so that might be the reason.. Don't lose hope and be patient. Things will be back to track soon 😊 Meanwhile keep delivering quality work! Good Luck!
  11. I guess because of your 3.7* review which you received 5 months ago, your gigs are still under-effect of public and private reviews (that buyer was not that much happy with your services) so just wait for 1 more month to see the improvement in your gigs but avoid over-optimization..
  12. Did you even read the Terms of Services (TOS) while creating an account on Fiverr? See an inserted image: Link: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service Read: User Conduct and Protection > Basics.
  13. Read the following topic so that you have an idea about Fiverr first. Ignore content on Buyer Request:
  14. Yes, A Huge Problem. Your account will be Bye Bye means suspended if you use any auto-refresh extension which is not allowed to use on Fiverr. Avoid itl
  15. Hello too It's happening because you have not set the starting price of your WordPress gigs at $80 (Fiverr has set the price $80 for WordPress related gigs) else you will keep losing your impressions and clicks.
  16. Why are you changing your gig gallery every week? How will your gigs be adjusted into the search results if you keep editing your gigs? It does not work like this way.. Give some time to your gigs after editing but avoid doing it every week..
  17. smartdezigns

    Gig Editing

    Over-optimization of gig is not a good thing to do as your gig won't be able to get adjust into the search results. Do the edits whenever you feel like to do but not every week..
  18. You cannot contact buyers and promote your services to them. Buyers will find you on their own.. So just optimize your gigs in such a way that it grabs buyer's attention. Also, read the following topic and ignore content on Buyer Request:
  19. The following review has badly affected your gigs. That buyer have left you negative public review so private review would be the same too means "negative private review". Your BSR and Performance scores seems to be dropped too because of this and other reviews (4*) and your gigs might be temporarily removed from the search results. So try to improve your services and deliver quality work to make your buyers happy. It will take 3-6 months to get recovered from the effects of those reviews.
  20. No as long as those devices and internet are not being used by others who have their Fiverr accounts.
  21. Status on your impressions and clicks? Increasing or dropping with the passage of time? Also, you are a Digital Marketing Expert, then use your skills to get orders.
  22. Hi too. Kindly read the following thread and try the tips suggested by the experienced sellers (donnovan86 and uk1000):
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