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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. If you could read English properly then take a look at your screenshot. It clearly states that check the email we sent you. Kindly check it again (check Spam folder as well).
  2. By completing the following requirements. See an inserted image below: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards
  3. It is better to get guidance from Fiverr Support because only they can guide you better. But keep a record of their statements whatever they say incase if something happens.
  4. Why won't I understand your struggle? Do you think I have not struggled ever before? I have been in the same situation like you too. But actually I am not like you.. I have done some research on Fiverr first and learnt everything how to make it work. I already gave you suggestions.. It's you who don't want to listen to us (experienced seller's suggestions). Totally up to you.. Also, there are 15000+ sellers on YouTube Thumbnail niche. So definitely, competition is too tough. Good Luck. (Won't give you suggestions anymore as you are never gonna listen to us).
  5. I know that YT I wish I could punch them (YT Gu..)
  6. No. Avoid it. Yours and your brother's account will get disabled so don't let him do that. He should open his account on a separate laptop/device if he is offering the different services from yours.
  7. What's the difference then if you are offering the same services in all gigs but they have different keywords and title? It's useless to do this. You have other skills too i.e. Banner Design, Poster Design. Why don't you create gigs on them? And why it does not make any sense to create gigs on different niches? Everyone does.. If you are a Graphic Designer then you can offer Web Designing Services in the same account too. Do you think for different niche, a new account (second account) will be required? Fiverr does not work like that.
  8. You must have received an email regarding your account being temporarily disabled? Have you? That email might have stated that wait for 60-90 days... something like that? If yes, then you will have to wait and can do nothing.
  9. I will encourage you to browse the Forum to find the answer of your own question. Tons of the topics on the same question are here but have you ever done a research on it? Buyer Request is no more on Fiverr. We have Briefs feature now.
  10. What kind of tricks have you tried? Simply improve your gig galleries (all gigs).. mainly primary gig images.. It's kind of distracting.. All 3 gigs are the same i.e. similar services. What's the difference?
  11. You should admit your mistake that you used VPN for Fiverr too. Fiverr does not care that you were a faithful seller for 2 years or 15 years. Violation is violation no matter what and it has consequences too. I am sorry that you had to experienced it. Better to discuss with Fiverr Support and explain your reasons to them because we, the sellers on the Forum cannot help you in this regard. Good Luck.
  12. Hello too Same Bank Account: Not allowed Same Services: Not Allowed Same Internet: I will encourage you to get a new internet connection/device for her (safety precaution) Same Laptop: Not Allowed P.S. It's still better to contact Fiverr Support regarding your questions. They will probably guide you better than us.
  13. Have you ever tried to read Fiverr's TOS? Whether it was intentional or not, but it has happened now. Using VPN actually leads to account suspension but your account only got flagged.. not suspension. That's how Fiverr is and has become stricter ever before. So accept it and work with the repeat clients. Else discuss with Fiverr Support.
  14. Hi too If you were using VPN for other stuff then you should not have opened Fiverr Account using the VPN. Should have avoided it. VPN is not allowed to use to open Fiverr that's why your account got flagged which seems to be the right decision by Fiverr whether you were using it for other stuff. Why would Fiverr give you a second chance if you have moved to a new house or new internet?. Does not makes sense. Now, you can work with your repeat clients if have any. You won't be able to work with the new buyers now.
  15. Aren't you a SEO Expert? You must know the answer of your own question. Right?
  16. That feature was Buyer Request and it is not on Fiverr anymore. We have Get Briefs now which can be enabled via Gigs page.
  17. Hello too Yes. Huge Problem: Your both accounts will be disabled because second account creation on Fiverr is strictly prohibited so avoid it. You can provide your other services in the existing account. Why do you need a second account for that? Current one is fine for this purpose.
  18. Sometimes I feel I should quit Forum too like "smashradio". His decision to quit Forum and the reasons which he gave are the most genuine ones and spot on too. With the passage of time, Forum is getting cluttered only because of the repetitive topics and newbies are so impatient that they do not want to work hard. Believe me, I took some years to build my profile more stronger which was only possible because I did some research on everything regarding Fiverr and today, I am doing well now on Fiverr. It will be my 10 years in August 2024. I have also observed that people are quitting their proper job (9am-5pm) just because of Fiverr or to become a full-time freelancer which I find it odd? Do you feel the same?
  19. Try main Fiverr platform and hire any seller for this task. This is not the right place to find or choose sellers for your project.
  20. Not allowed. Kindly read the following topic:
  21. Your question is entirely different from what OP's posted. Try to create your own topic. Avoid spoiling/disrupting other topics. To your question: You need to remember your security answer no matter what. Secondly, your issue cannot be resolved here on the Forum. Discuss with Fiverr Support either by emailing them or sending a ticket to them.
  22. Start exploring the topics on the Forum. There are tons of the topics on the same question. Try it
  23. By changing the price to $80 (WordPress gigs) as a starting price then your gigs will be able to get impressions/clicks.
  24. That's obvious that they won't respond to your requests whenever you will try to create a new one. They have told you their decision which seems to be final. Sorry to say this. But avoid creating new tickets as they won't respond to you or they will block you from contacting them. You can email them at support@fiverr.com then if ticket is not working for you. Else, work with your repeat buyers if have any.
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