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  1. @nathanbn Thanks for taking the time to respond, I would like to tell you that I watched a video on Youtube in which a guy is relogging into his account even after getting banned and got his funds. Like everything went smooth for him. Getting email after 90 days, the link (it was not expired), the widthraw button (it was not disabled) etc. So there are cases in which the Fiverr pay back the funds, let's hope they will return yours and mine too.
  2. @karlosyoussef @andrewh45@madsmint @zelinshou hello everyone, Hope you are doing great. Did anyone got the money back ? After reading all the comments on forum I am starting to worry about my funds. My 90 days period is not over yet, however after reading the comments and other posts about account banning It seems that my case would not be any different. Can anyone tell me is there any possibility of getting the funds back after getting account banned. Or any tip or suggestion to get everything right regarding opening the link, or contacting support etc. Any help is highly appreciated, I hope that everyone gets there money back. Thanks for any help.
  3. Hey @nathanbn I have also got my account banned, I am only concerned about my funds, my 90 days period is not over yet, but it seems pretty clear that my case would not be any different 😞, like there are many people saying they receive the email but on clicking the link it says it's expire. Is there any update on your case ?
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