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  1. But that’s not a way the person who said to work outside using his account perfectly and which didn’t do anything he’s account banned
  2. Will My account be enable after 1 month or not ?
  3. See that when he shared details like that I didn’t give him reply because when I get this type of messages I can’t reply and is I’m mad that I’ll take this type of risk so that’s not fair Fiverr team i reported him so you know that what he said if I was wrong and if I worked him outside then why i reported him ? Is that not make sense ? So I’m really upset after seeing this that i reported and tell Fiverr that what he’s doing and I’m now bearing this issue why ? And whenever I mailed them they didn’t talk to me so please help me to solve this issue
  4. Yeah I say I want to join his team but that’s not mean I said I’ll do work outside and you said I share contact image…! Is that my fault if anyone come to me and say do you want to join my team and I say sure it’ll be pleasure and then he shared his details like that and I reported him you can see and he say do you want to join and I said ok after that you can check he texted me after 1 to 2 day he again said you want to join I said yes so then he shared image and I didn’t go out side if you have and Fiverr have any proof gives me because you can’t judge like that I have many chats where clients say me that.. check I’m going to attached image here I’m saying to him I can’t work outside Fiverr then why I’ll work with other off Fiverr so that’s not fair so please let me know what I have to do now…?
  5. Sir I didn’t share any contact photo and I’m sure about that because I know Fiverr don’t allow to work out side and I’m also very strict about that so please review it again and I’ll give proof
  6. I didn’t shared any contact photo and I’m 100% sure about that please review it again
  7. No still not this issue happened with me from last 4 days and I mailed to Fiverr many times but didn’t get any proper answer just got robotic answer that your account will be permanently banned after 60 days etc and today I got mail and he said you work against our policy like payment outside etc and I didn’t do so I mailed them again but still don’t get any response and don’t Know why they’re doing this
  8. Hi I want to ask that account recently my account disabled and I can’t text to my clients and also my gigs are denied and when I mailed to Fiverr team I got this mail which I attached here and I also got another mail you can see it’s like crunch time etc so I talk to someone else who’s also have the same issue and he’s friends also so he said his friends account recovers automatically after a month and he said your account will also but I’m worried about thay they’re saying in the mail that after 60 days your account will be permanently disabled kindly please guide me is my account will be automatically recovered after a month and to be honest I didn’t do anything and I didn’t go again Fiverr polices
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