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  1. Yes wasted a lot of hardwork and sleepless nights but lastly ending up with one simple mail? This is very disappointing with fiverr..We can't restart this again..We are already tired!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Ok i got a update from fiverr..Which is very disappointing. I need a justice for this. I really doesn't do any mistake 😕
  3. I too need a justice on this.. Fiverr flagged my account too for no reason. Saying that i have connected current account to other account which is disabled due fo fiverr policies. But originally i have not! I need a justice for this!!!
  4. That message from scammer You can report him or simply ignore so Fiverr will take care of him
  5. Hello, Yesterday evening when i open fiverr a red message was on top of my profile says "your account was flagged for sever violation asa a result you are not eligible to participate in level system" And when i message a fiverr they say i connected to disabled account originally i have not. Does anyone went through this situation and what i need to do now. I was waiting for CS reply. Please guide if anyone knows the answer
  6. Did they fixed your problem?
  7. I think that was done due to system error...so they fixed it
  8. hello again, Fiverr removed my warning upon reviewed my account again. Thanks
  9. Hello all, Yesterday afternoon(2:12pm IST) I recieved a message from buyer and when i open it i couldn't see it.I think it violates fiverr rules.After that automatic message sent to buyer(quick response) as "Hey there, Let me check your details. Meanwhile you can check my portfolio to get an idea about my work. Btw thanks a lot for contacting!"..And Fiverr thinks that as my main response from end so they flagged it..And after that i recieved a warning to my account which is confusing me even though I don't have any intentions to do work because i even not seen what buyer said..So i asked the buyer to resend it because i have not seen what he sent.Also i sent mail to fiverr customer care after this but they have not replied me yet. Did anyone went through this situation? Can i anyone have suggestions for me to what i need to do now?
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