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  1. Another update: They have sent me a message that the flag status is removed and should be disappeared in the next 24 hours.
  2. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm successfully verified and restored the account with the help of Fiverr support. But the Flag issue still remains there. Don't know how it can be resolved, waiting for their response on that issue as well.
  3. Thank you for replying, that's fine I'm already waiting. But I'm worried about the flagging system. Why they did that after the 3 years of consistent working on account and it happened just after the verification issue like day after the failed verification. The reason they stated is location inconsistency which is fine as per your policy but in my field and mostly IT fields, it is must for us to use VPN and as I live in Pakistan, we have blockage on the network to access the client's server in case of any blockage on firewall or such cases. This is totally unfair to do like that. However, I'm expecting some good response from the CS. Thanks again in advance.
  4. Thank you, already trying to negotiate it with the support team and waiting for their good response.
  5. Hello there, Recently, I was working fine without any issues on Fiverr. My seller level is 2 and was performing with best ratings (5 stars) for almost 1.5 years. But now when I was asked to verify the account using my ID card. It was rejected every time (3 attempts) due to the image quality while the image quality was good and can be seen easily without any issue including my selfie. This is totally unfair that due to an AI system, the account is now restricted and even after opening a support ticket it's been 24 hours and no reply given by them. I'm losing my clients and also the seller level is at risk now. I don't know what to do and getting frustrating from this unfair thing. I really want the support team to please please review my documents or attached files which I have already done on a support ticket, I have attached my ID card front and back with a video showing the logged in account and my face from all angles to let them verify easily but unfortunately, didn't receive any response yet. I'm level 2 seller without having any complain, but right after this issue my level is at now risk and dropping the success level from 9 to 7. The screenshot is attached as well. My ticket ID is: #11954876 @Lena Please help me in this case, even after spending that much time on Fiverr with good ratings and all. We are not getting good support and late responses on ticket. Please highlight the ticket or the case to solve this ASAP. There is nothing illegal done and providing valid or legal documents with a video proof.
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