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  1. fiverr have already solved my problem ,,, thanks a lot fiverr support
  2. yeah, that's the reason,, I took my pictures for verification but the Fiverr system couldn't verify it's me. So Fiverr didn't approve the verification and temporarily disabled my account.
  3. Hello , Fiverr community Please help me, I'm in real trouble. my account is temporarily disabled. It's a level one ID, I couldn't; verify it through my NID. last few days I have tried to contact Fiverr support ticket #11886589 but it's almost 15 days and I haven't got any proper solution or hope yet. how could i contact them and activate my ID? i had some repeated clients, and now I'm losing them.., Please help me ASAP, How can I get support from Fiverr and inform them that I want manual verification? If you have any idea that could help me please share it.
  4. How many days do I have to wait? it's almost half of the month I am waiting. I had some repeated clients they are already gone, every morning I wake up and check the notification but they are not helping me,
  5. Hey Fiverr Community, I just put my pictures for verification but one of them, the Fiverr system couldn't verify it's me. So fiverr didn't approved the verification and temporarily disabled my account. I contacted support times but they are not responding properly and I'm continuously losing my clients. So I need the Qr code again for verification, or I want to verify it manually are there any options for manual verification? . i need help
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