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  1. Luckily, by some miracle, I remembered my answer and sent it to them. Otherwise, Fiverr support was insistent on only accepting the answer to the security question. They weren't listening to anything else. However, I believe there should be an alternative verification method for situations when someone forgets their answer. Fiverr is one of the largest platforms, but sadly, they don't have an alternative policy for this, which is very unprofessional. @zacbrown_@annbohaievskaa
  2. Believe me, the fiverr support and their policy made me cry today. I don't know what to do. It feels like life is getting harder day by day, and I'm at a dead end now. My only crime is that I've forgotten my security question. I know this might sound silly, but I'm human, and it happens. I've been using Fiverr since 2017, which is more than 7 years now. I've been in contact with Fiverr support for over a month, providing them with everything they've asked for, like the last four digits of my phone number associated with Fiverr, my Payoneer customer ID, and I even reset my password. But now, they are asking for my security question, which I genuinely cannot remember. I've tried everything to recall it—believe me, I have. I even provided them with a list of possible answers, but unfortunately, none of them were correct. I've pleaded with them to offer an alternative verification method, like using my government ID, passport, video call, social media accounts, Gmail, bank accounts—anything, literally anything they can ask for. I've asked them to at least give me one chance, to show some mercy, or even just to tell me the first or last letter of the answer to the security question. But they keep insisting that I have to provide the correct answer. There must be an alternative way to reset security question, but I think the policy is to take advantage of people's hard-earned money. Help please, anyone? @fiverr_brand
  3. Believe me, they made me cry today, and I'm getting suicidal thoughts. I don't know what to do. It feels like life is getting harder day by day, and I'm at a dead end now. My only crime is that I've forgotten my security question. I know this might sound silly, but I'm human, and it happens. I've been using Fiverr since 2017, which is more than 7 years now. I've been in contact with Fiverr support for over a month, providing them with everything they've asked for, like the last four digits of my phone number associated with Fiverr, my Payoneer customer ID, and I even reset my password. But now, they are asking for my security question, which I genuinely cannot remember. I've tried everything to recall it—believe me, I have. I even provided them with a list of possible answers, but unfortunately, none of them were correct. I've pleaded with them to offer an alternative verification method, like using my government ID, passport, video call, social media accounts, Gmail, bank accounts—anything, literally anything they can ask for. I've asked them to at least give me one chance, to show some mercy, or even just to tell me the first or last letter of the answer to the security question. But they keep insisting that I have to provide the correct answer. Help please, anyone?
  4. I have explained the incident to the fiverr support in the ss below. I am on fiverr from past few years but this thing happened and now fiverr support is not even replying (its been 09 days I have contacted them). My questions: What should I do(other than wait)? How much time usually the temporarliy ban take? Should I generate new ticket to contact fiverr support again? Any suggestion, guidance, or help is much appreciated in advance, thanks alot
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