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  1. You have to do gig marketing, only if you do gig marketing on social media.
  2. You have to be active every day. And you have to do gig marketing every day.
  3. It may be that he copied someone's gig completely. You talk to Fiverr support.
  4. It is very difficult to say. Because each person gives a different example. Those who have done less work come to Fiver's choice. But it is hard to say what it is based on.
  5. You will get many benefits in this.
  6. To rank the gig on the first page, your account must have more work and reviews.
  7. You put your two gigs on pause for a few days and then reactivate them. If he doesn't, you'll have to create a new gig.
  8. Fiver is now having this problem. Sometimes it looks like this, try again after a few days.
  9. You have to do the marketing gig every day. Fiverr will be active every day for longer, Fiverr Forums will spend time answering questions every day.
  10. Now on Fiver many competitors do you gig marketing.
  11. You can't change the URL but you can change the username.
  12. You have to do the marketing gig every day. Fiverr will be active every day for longer, Fiverr Forums will spend time answering questions every day.
  13. You need to be active on fiver daily and you need to do gig marketing every day.
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