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  1. @creative_howl@atulcodexDear,thanks a lot for your advice to help me solve my case. Sorry for not discribing my case clearly that I encountered when editing my seller profile, after publishing the first gig, and at that time I had't received any customer consulting. Anyway, I learn from the links above and sure that I obey the rules of creating a gig. According to the latest reply from support team, I'll be allowed to use Fiverr as a buyer and seller profile is still not approved.😥 I will continue to contact support team for their advice. You're so kind to warm my heart, thanks agin~
  2. I submitted a request order in help center, and received replies soon. Though the staffs were so kind to answer my questions, the face shows that I can only use Fiverr as a buyer from now. What a pity!
  3. The similar case happened to me when I published my first gig today. Thinking it was a security problem in the login mailbox that caused the account status to be abnormal, I submitted a request order in help center for help, and took effort to solve the email promblem. However, I received a reply email a few hours soon. In fact I'm confused about the attached email very much. Seems that seller certificate determins whether you can restart any gig.
  4. Dear, seems that we are both on the same boat named rejection😰 My case is attatched
  5. As a new seller, I published my first gig today. Unfortunately I received a Email informing that as attached. My gig is that" I will add chinese or english subtitles to your video or audio". Considering that I have spent several years on learning video editing skills out of work, my friend encourage me to start the gig. Even though confuesd and disappointed, I still wonder whether the same situation happened to someone as me, and look for an effective solution from kind friend around. Thank you!
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