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  1. 😇🙄🙋‍♂️
  2. dear student, actually today i am sick That's why another day again, tech you 😁🤣
  3. its complicated all of new seller to get fast order. But you don't have to worry; just stick around on platforms like RedBlog, News, and Stating Form. you just make yourself patient; its easy for you . Sometimes, update your profile, gig FAQ, and pricing Remember, first, analyze your competitor, then find your problem and update yourself . It may help you, but I am not sure how many will work. As far as I know, that's the right way to generate orders.
  4. Hello ! i need to improving myself What is the best solution?how to work better and getting more more orders on Fiverr and other marketplaces.
  5. I see no other way but we have to try and trust in Allah
  6. How much longer can you stay silent without work? So I bother you, sorry 😉🙏
  7. I need to say something because I am feeling bored. sorry for reply🙃
  8. 24 hours is not possible 12–13 hours only, account online every day, and this time I am working and learning.
  9. Not really I am new and had no idea about this platform so learning from you guys and trying to adapt everything.
  10. If I were a robot today, I would manage all the customers of fiverr alone 😁
  11. The goal is to grow into a large man right away. 🤣
  12. It is a challenging moment for me right now to stay calm and in order. Actually, what is the right way? I don't know; both of you suggest I do this. I am trying to maintain all off structure but no have success.
  13. Someone told me that if you stick around 24 hours on Fiverr, you will obtain an order, which is why I am following her tips.
  14. I have found the miracle now to greet him with an invitation.
  15. Thanks for the advice I am maintaining this process for myself anyway I need success.
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