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  1. Thank you for the answer, Lena! I will try my best to come back with the list of answers in 10 days, I am not ready to give up on Fiverr, this platform is too important for me. Is there any other option, maybe, to freeze current funds and check, if I will still work with the same level of quality with my clients and provide my services, to unblock it after some pending time (a month, or half of the year?)
  2. So, two days ago my withdrawal options were unable, when I was trying to add a new withdrawal method. I pass all the security verifications, except one (I know, it is a policy of the company for security, but I really don't remember what answer I put to the secret question😅). And now, as I realize from the forum topics, I am on "mute" on support team. Last year Fiverr orders were my main source of leaving, I invest my time and efforts to keep my clients satisfied, and earn Top Seller mark just month ago. So, I just want to know: what's next? Is it a permanent option, and it is time for me to cancel all my orders and leave the platform? Is there some kind of time out to prove, that I am still me, that I love my work on Fiverr and all my clients? I just fill lost now( Does anyone experience the same thing? Were you able to solve it?
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