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Posts posted by web_ripa

  1. Hello Fiverr Community,

    I'm reaching out to seek advice on how to increase the number of orders I'm receiving on Fiverr. I've been offering [your service, e.g., social media management, voice-over work, etc.] for a few months now and have received positive feedback, but I'm looking to grow my business further.

    Here are some details about my gig:

    • Service: Website design
    • Rating: 5 start
    • Reviews: 1
    • Delivery time: 3 day
    • I regularly update my gig description, tags, and images.

    Despite my efforts, my order growth has been slow. What strategies or tips have you found effective in boosting your order numbers? Are there any specific marketing techniques, gig optimizations, or other approaches that have worked well for you?

    Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!

    • Like 4
  2. Hello Fiverr Community,

    I've been a seller on Fiverr for a while now, and I've noticed that my gig impressions have plateaued. I offer [your service, e.g., logo design, content writing, etc.] and have received positive reviews, but I'm struggling to reach a larger audience.

    Here are some details about my gig:

    Rating:  5-star 
    Reviews: 1
    Average delivery time: 3
    I regularly update my gig description, tags, and images.
    Despite these efforts, my gig impressions aren't growing as much as I'd like. Could anyone share strategies or tips that have worked for them to boost their gig impressions? Are there any specific changes or optimizations that significantly impacted your gig's visibility?

    Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!

    • Like 1
  3. Hi everyone,

    I've been on Fiverr for a few months now and have completed a handful of orders with positive reviews. However, I've noticed that my gig isn't ranking as high as I'd like in search results. I would appreciate any advice on how to improve my gig ranking.

    Here are a few details about my current gig:

    • I offer Website design services.
    • I have a 5-star rating with 1 reviews.
    • My delivery time is set to 3 days.

    I regularly update my gig description and tags.
    What specific strategies have you found effective in boosting your gig's visibility and ranking on Fiverr? Are there any common mistakes I should avoid? Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!

  4. 10 hours ago, breals said:

    @web_ripa  In addition to what @creative_howl  has said, 


    1) You have just one order with feedback (Which looks fake) yet a gig image on your portfolio that says you're FIVERR CHOICE ?   Ummmm!  No, you'e not!


    2) Do you honestly think that people will beleive that you increased a clients Youtube following from 1000 to 15 million?????  😀  Quite possibly the funniest photshop I have seen on this forum.

    3) Your portfolio is full of templates that you claim are your own, clearly they're not. But the two designs that aren't fake, are websites that have been designed by someone with zero skills.  

    I could go on, but I can tell that this feedback will fall on deaf ears!  



    Ok thanks. 

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