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  1. Hello, I will never give my numbers i have proofs also client just text me the number and i never reply that message. please look again on it check my messages i am involved in any violations i am level 1 seller i know fiver has best regulations i never recommend client to outside this platfrom. but clients text there numbers in chat is that my issue? I never share my number or i say to contact me outside fiver. Please give my account back. Warm regards.
  2. Ticket #11645717 Dear Fiverr Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address the current review status of my Fiverr account. I understand the importance of upholding Fiverr's policies and guidelines, and I want to assure you that I am fully committed to compliance. I received one message from an client yesterday I think your data think I share my number but I have an proof. I received a message from a client Name and I not reply that message you can see I am attaching the screenshot of that. This is my only earning platform, I am very depressed on this issue. I am on level 1 seller please review my account and give access to me. Regarding the concerns raised, particularly about sharing personal contact information, I want to clarify that I am aware of and strictly adhere to Fiverr's policy regarding communication outside of the platform. I understand the risks associated with sharing personal information and the potential consequences it may have on the integrity of the platform. Rest assured, I have not engaged in any activity that violates this policy. As an active member of the Fiverr community, I value the platform's rules and regulations, and I am dedicated to maintaining a positive and trustworthy presence. I take any violations of Fiverr's terms seriously and am committed to rectifying any misunderstandings or concerns that may have led to this review. I kindly request the opportunity to provide any additional information or clarification needed to expedite the review process and regain access to my account. I am more than willing to cooperate fully with your team to resolve this matter promptly. Thank you for your attention to this issue, and I appreciate your assistance in resolving it as soon as possible. Warm regards, Ticket #11645717
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