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  1. Hey, i have been refunded. Thank you for your help.
  2. i was told to give them a call once the transaction has gone through so they can flag it as a fraud
  3. I contacted my bank and it turns out they have my details. My card has been cancelled and a new card with different details is on its way. The transaction is still pending so it can't be cancelled. Is there still a chance of me getting my money back??
  4. i am doing that right now. Fiverr really needs to step up
  5. i guess i'm screwed then because i entered my account number and cvv
  6. Does that mean the scammer has my bank details??, because before the transaction was made i got a request from my bank asking me to confirm the transaction and the scammer(disguised as a chat box) told me to confirm it. Does that mean he has my details recorded??
  7. Do i need to change my bank account or is my bank account safe??
  8. @phillip_element i fell for this scam and the mistakenly confirmed the payment from my bank after entering my bank details. Do i need to change my bank account
  9. Please has my bank details been exposed, will more money be removed from my account ??
  10. please i was asked to scan a qr code and then and money was deducted from my account. the "AI chat box" assures me that my money will be refunded in 30 minutes but its been almost 2 hours and nothing. Please is there a way i can contact the support team to refund my money.
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