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  1. yes i really understood that thankfully before writing in the website my credit card info, i now know that the transactions only happen in fiverr, i even said to him i gave him the wrong email so they dont think its mine and maybe dont spam it, thanks for the quick response, appreciate it .
  2. the buyer has sent me this image (123) and said he needed my email to do the payment, i gave him my email because one of my friends said he did it too, and i recieved an email to verify the payment, as i clicked on the email verify button, i entered a website called fiverr.com and there was my account logged in and to verify and recieve the payment i needed to put my card number expire date and cvv, i didnt put those in because i have read that you should not give emails to people on fiverr and that all transactions should happen on fiverr, is it real or not? Thanks.
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