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  1. I'm too busy to keep up with those changes of what's going on. But basically, my gig isn't open to anyone and everyone to see and bid on anymore like before?
  2. I've been using fiverr on and off for the better part of the last 15 years. I go through long stretches sometimes where I don't really post much and don't need anything, but then other times where I post gigs. The way fiverr used to work, that I remember, was as soon as I post a gig, I get 100s of people, pretty much anyone that was interested that would send a message with a bid offer. To me, this was a proper free market and how it should be. If I wanted to pay more for higher quality or someone with better reviews, then I could, if I wanted to just pay the absolute minimum then I could just select the lowest offer. Recently though I posted a gig that only got about 7 applicants, which is completely different than the fiverr I remember. I'm not that invested into fiver, so I'm probably out of the loop, but it was so bad/different that I took to google to find out what's going on and stumbled on this forum. I glanced at a few threads and saw that fiverr has had a mass exodus of buyers from the platform... and from what I've seen on my last gig I can probably guess it's associated. Has politics, governance, and idealist views basically come through like a wrecking ball and destroyed the free market that once was here? Which platform now exists in the same manner that fiverr used to? I want to be able to post a job and have a free market exchange of bids with potential sellers.
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