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  1. Hi, Yes same thing happened with me. I have more than 250 reviews on my profile but now my account has flagged and they said that it will be suspended permanently after 1 month. Please help me and give me a solution how we can save our profile. There is not any email about a warning and they suspended.
  2. Hi everyne, Yes same issue is with my fiverr acount. My account is flagged for sever violations they said but i did nothing. They said you are working outside of fiverr but i did not and some people said that i send my buyers my email, yes this is true. I send them email for sharing their Google business profile access because this is the part of our process. Even fiverr said that if it is very important to send our email then we can send. Today i lost my second level status. Please help me. I am losted. I send many emails to support and each and every time i received same reply that it is currently restricted and account is under view and can take 60 days. Waiting for the discussion and help. Regards,
  3. But how? I send them emails but each and everytime they send same message that your account is restricted and this process can take 60 days.
  4. Hi all, Thank you for updating. I already informed Fiver team and send them many emails. Now they need to check that i mentioned emails in the inbox because this is the part of the process and work and i need to get access of profiles with my gmail ID that i already send them. Is there any fiverr support person available here to give me reply and help me.
  5. Hi team, My account is under restriction and under review. On other thread, one of the team member of fiverr mentioned that i used my email address so that's the violation. Our work requires to send buyer our email where client can share Google business profile so that we can start work and post on their profiles. I am doing this from many years You can check all messages in the inbox. This is important part of our process and work. Even fiverr mentined that giving someone email or phone number is restrcted but if its not very important. Please check and remove my account from under review restrction. I never did work outside of this platform and never did violation. Regards,
  6. Hello everyone. This is Bilal and i am using Fiverr from last 8 years. Yesterday my account is being reviewd and i am unable to get orders and communicate with people temporary. I received a email that your account is flaged for attempting business outside of fiverr. I never violate any rules and use only fiver for order and payment. I am earning more than $1200 per month. Please see screenshots below where i always informed the team that the buyer is asking for whatsapp nunber and i always mentioned them that this is against fiver policy and rules. Waiting for your help. each time i send fiverr support email and they replied the same like your account is in under review and this process may take 60 days. I have evidence and sent them but why it will take so long. I have many buyers and they ae working with me from last 2 years. I don't want to lose my account as a seller. Please help me and inform them about the evidence. Before 1 day of this under review issue, i received a message from a buyer and he mentione dhis number to come and join but i mentioned hi that this is against their policy and if you want to discuss anything please do here. Then he did not reply and i removed that message thread too. Regards, Bilal Farid
  7. Hi Lena, Thank you but each time i send fiverr support email and they replied the same like your account is in under review and this process may take 60 days. I have evidence and sent them but why it will take so long. I have many buyers and they ae working with me from last 2 years. I don't want to lose my account as a seller. Please help me and inform them about the evidence. Before 1 day of this under review issue, i received a message from a buyer and he mentione dhis number to come and join but i mentioned hi that this is against their policy and if you want to discuss anything please do here. Then he did not reply and i removed that message thread too. Please Lena help me. Regards,
  8. Hello everyone. This is Bilal and i am using Fiverr from last 8 years. Yesterday my account is being reviewd and i am unable to get orders and communicate with people temporary. I received a email that your account is flaged for attempting business outside of fiverr. I never violate any rules and use only fiver for order and payment. I am earning more than $1200 per month. Please see screenshots below where i always informed the team that the buyer is asking for whatsapp nunber and i always mentioned them that this is against fiver policy and rules. Waiting for your help. Regards, Bilal Farid
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