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  1. Thank you for answering my question as the messaging system has been hacked is it best for users to change the password or is it safe to continue as normal?
  2. Hi All i'm new to Fiverr I have received the same message I went to the QR code and saw they wanted my CVC number which in itself is highly unlikely to be requested. I didn't put any details in but now wondering if the site has been hacked have people started to change their passwords as it's probably a wise thing to do. If people have been scammed take screenshots of everything and contact your bank immediately, so anyone that has entered their details to the QR site, you have given your details to scammers by contacting your bank immediately they can freeze your account if you do it in time. I have clicked back on he message and by clicking on the user you can see the account has no responses and was created in May 24 so if you do receive messages again, click on where it says fiverr support and it will give you a clue as to if the message is real or a scam
  3. I have today received a message on the official fiverr message board advising my account is blocked until I input my bank account details including my CVC code, I didn't do it and think this is a Scam, can anyone confirm please. I did go to the QR code on my phone, is this a security violation and do I need to change my password. Please help as unsure what to do I am very new to Fiverr Oh and hello all I wish you well and hope to spend many a happy year here If people have been scammed take screenshots of everything and contact your bank immediately, so anyone that has entered their details to the QR site, you have given your details to scammers by contacting your bank immediately they can freeze your account if you do it in time. I have clicked back on he message and by clicking on the user you can see the account has no responses and was created in May 24 so if you do receive messages again, click on where it says fiverr support and it will give you a clue as to if the message is real or a scam
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