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Everything posted by nhshihab69

  1. Buyer Briefs are not notifying in the realtime rather taking too long to appear in the notifications. Whenever any potential buyer submits job brief, it does not appear instantly as like as messages, rather takes 20/30/45 minutes to show in the notification window which causes delays in my task responsiveness. I urge fiverr to look over this issue so that we can instantaneously respond to the respected buyers. Thank you.
  2. Fiverr emailed me for an unknown kind of violation. I once logged in through VPN. They said I would not be promoted to the next level. Is this true? Will they ever give me a chance? Hi there, Thank you for reaching out to Fiverr Customer Support regarding the status of your account. After careful review, your account has been flagged due to location inconsistencies or other activities indicating a connection to violations of our Terms of Service. Consequently, your participation in Fiverr's level system is permanently restricted. Please be advised that this was reviewed multiple times and the decision is final. For more information on our policies and guidance on adherence, please refer to our Community Standards. Best regards,
  3. Also does not work, remained same. No downloading.
  4. Fiverr app does not download pdf files from buyer's given task at chatbox. My phone storage is fully allowed to provide access and still not downloading. Please solve my problem.
  5. Hello fiverr forum, Everything was going well but I've been facing some issues for the past few months. Whenever I used the online filter to see "online now" status from another browser or pc, my gigs are not showing there even though I'm online. Note that, I was warned (28th March) for 90 days, and before this issue when I used the online filter my gigs were there. Because of not being shown, I am being deprived of orders. No order means no earning for both me and fiverr. I use fiverr app with 'online status' being On 24 hours actively. Please tell me if there is anything I can do. I have already talked to Fiverr support but no reply came from their side. Hope someone can help me throwing a candid piece of advice about fiverr's condition. Thanks in advance.
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