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Everything posted by gaelicpros

  1. Been sitting on my account page for months now, with no response. Clearly in the dark here. What's going on?
  2. Why are my videos not loading, or showing as unavailable after submission? I am following the Fiverr protocol of 1024 fame, 4:3 ratio, under 60 secs. Makes no sense. Help me please! Hatchett Krump copy.mp4
  3. I'm a returning Seller on Fiverr in voice/audio/media. And I'm wondering how long after finishing the profile (information, pricing, intro video) do you start to draw clients? I believe I accomplished everything for my profile (including the Intro video) So that's just the next mystery, of when it begins?
  4. Don't feel bad. I'm trying to relaunch mine after a hiatus, and keep getting this frustrating error. No help including the Fiverr help pages to resolve this irritation.
  5. That's what I'm using (always) (Chrome) and no dice. Just sits there a moment, before the screen 'blinks' and then states the same thing Make sure your video is between 20 - 60 seconds - When it's 58 seconds length EDIT: Figure it out! Had to re-save original file to the 720hp lower format, and it worked 👍
  6. Hey all I actually joined over 2021, but was in the middle of a audiobook project so I couldn't finish my profile. Just recently uploaded some work samples and my Intro video to finish, then refreshed screen. Logged out then back in, to make sure the updates saved. But today upon logging in... my newer content didn't keep 😱 All that painstaking hard work GONE. Only the unfinished draft video is there. What happened? 😭 Was I supposed to wait for or get an email verify that my updated account is active? I'm so confused (trying not to burn) Anyone?
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