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Posts posted by shaon_design

  1. Welcome to the Fiverr Forum! If you're new to Amazon product research, you can start by exploring online tutorials or courses that provide step-by-step guidance. Additionally, consider joining relevant online communities or forums where experienced sellers share tips and insights. Don't hesitate to ask specific questions or seek advice from fellow sellers who have experience in product research.

    With dedication and learning, you'll soon gain the skills needed to conduct effective Amazon product research.

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  2. Some sellers have noticed a decline in the number of buyers on Fiverr, with over 200,000 active buyers lost between '22 - '23 according to Fiverr's investor reports. New buyers may not understand how the platform works or the implications of the review system.
    Sellers are concerned about deceptive AI policies, unvetted Pro sellers, and the prevalence of AI-generated responses.
    Fiverr's marketing targets upmarket users, but sellers may reject new buyers due to various reasons, leading to frustration.
    Some buyers find their accounts disabled due to automated spam detection, and confusion arises from account setup processes.

    These factors contribute to an atmosphere of fear and mistrust among sellers, potentially impacting Fiverr's bottom line.

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  3. On Fiverr, it's important to communicate in English, even if you and your client both prefer a different language. Fiverr's platform primarily operates in English to ensure clear and effective communication between buyers and sellers from around the world.

    So, even if you and your client speak the same language, it's best to stick to English when discussing orders and messages on Fiverr.

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