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  1. Hey sellers, I just wanted to give you all a heads up about a new scam method that's been going around. Scammers have been approaching sellers, claiming their order has been purchased and then providing a link to confirm the payment. Please be cautious and avoid clicking on any suspicious links. Stay safe and be alert!
  2. Hey Fiverr Community, Recently a buyer contacted me for a project on Fiverr and sent me her\ his WhatsApp number in an attachment. I told her\ him to keep all the things on Fiverr. Then she\ he agreed & eventually, I offered two custom orders as her\ his need. She\ He replied with "Sure" but then didn't give me any message. Then I thought it might be spam so I reported her\ him and blocked. Will it affect my account? Is it right what I did? How should I avoid getting personal information from buyers? (Please provide me with the correct information & I didn't share any personal information.)
  3. In Sha Allah
  4. Thank you very much for your valuable time.
  5. @smashradio I created gigs that belong to this category. What should I do now?
  6. Hello everyone, I am a new seller on Fiverr and I created my account on April 1st. I started publishing my gigs two days later and currently have four active gigs on my account. However, it's been 15 days and I haven't received any orders yet. Can someone please check out my gigs and provide me with some guidance on what the actual problem could be? I'm hoping that someone can help me with clear instructions. Thank you. 1.https://www.fiverr.com/s/2VR5Yq 2.https://www.fiverr.com/s/Xr1DR0 3.https://www.fiverr.com/s/96pY2D
  7. @Lena Thank you for your kind information.
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