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  1. Hi I am really worried as my Seller Plus features are still off and its been over 2 weeks now. Whenever i try to reach the CS they merge my request to previous one. Kindly help me out.
  2. @jag_iapp your issue got resolved? My isn't yet, they are still saying we are working on it
  3. @Lena When can we expect to get it fixed, isn't it taking lot off time?
  4. its not related to level, I am a new seller but i purchased seller plus and was able to avail services for a while, but suddenly it all got lost
  5. Hi, please help Customer support is keep on merging my requests to the old ones, no progress till date, its been over a week and I paid $19 for it, and my features are unlocked. Kindly help I am in panic...
  6. Customer support is keep on merging my requests to the old ones, no progress till date, its been over a week and I paid $19 for it
  7. Hi I subscribed seller plus almost 10 days back, everything was working well, i guess till today and now i am unable to access the features of Seller Plus. What is the issue? I have paid for it completely, neither my rating went too bad. Please guide
  8. I am facing a similar situation, I am unable to access the features of seller plus, which i purchased about few days back
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