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Everything posted by eyedin98

  1. ahh okay nice. Thank you for looking over it :). Yeah it is just strange, because normally when I search myself I always find my gig, but like I said, last weeks I disappeared. Hopefully it is only in my case :D. Thank you ❤️
  2. Hi, Throughout the last weeks I didn't get any clicks on my gig (normally I have like 50 clicks in a month), I was wondering why this is happening, so I checked out that my gig is nowhere to be seen when I am searching for my gig. Normally I am pretty far up the site, but now I don't see my gig anywhere. I don't understand that, because throughout 3 years on fiverr I never had this problem, but suddenly I am not appearing anywhere... This is my gig: https://de.fiverr.com/eyedin98/offer-you-the-best-fifa-live-coaching-experience-ever I am speculating it is because one cancellation of a guy, I opened a ticket because of him. He claimed things which wasn't true and I have chat proofs for that as well. After the cancellation from this guy I got punished by fiverr. That sounds little bit unfair in my opinion... I love to do freelancing on fiverr, but that is so frustrating for me, I am just missing it... What can I do to be seen again?? Thanks in advance, Ajdin
  3. I have heard that, as long as I keep the information of the client in the order, there should be no problems with tos or anything... I don't know if I am right there, because I see other services which require personal data as well, so they can do their services, and they are top sellers... but I just want to make sure.
  4. Hello altogether :), I am currently trying to expand my gigs, my main gig being coaching, which is doing quite well at the moment. Therefore, I would like to broaden my offerings, for the 'new' gig, I would need the registration details of each customer. I am just unsure whether this violates Fiverr's terms of service or not. Additionally, I wanted to ask if, alongside the services offered on Fiverr, one is allowed to operate their own website offering similar or the same services. Thank you very much in advance, I would greatly appreciate any help :)
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