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Posts posted by shakky445

  1. Part of that information, I did hide in plain sight on that post.

    Part of the information I cannot share outright as I will most definitely get in trouble for doing so.

    But when I insist there is no gig rotation and that CS can only share what they are told, I do so because there is something I know for a fact.

    I didn’t get to where I am right now on Fiverr -we seem to have started on the platform around the same time- by making faulty assumptions. 🙂

    Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us! I appreciate it

    I have been following you for a long time on the forum

    I really amazed to see how active you are here and helping others

    People like you make this platform worthy 🙂

    • Like 7
  2. Your personal observation and experience led you to this theory

    The difference between you and I is that I have talked to several Fiverr employees that are in the know, and they have told me about a large piece of the puzzle.

    Not all of it, but a large piece. 🙂

    Is this still a theory?

    and I guess that large piece of the puzzle is… Fiverr 3.0

    • Like 5
  3. in regards to gig rotation I got this replay from support

    “Please bear in mind that Gigs shifting their position is something that happens on our Platform on a daily level. This is because we want to achieve diversity and give all sellers equal opportunities to get orders, as well as enable buyers to find the services they need easier.”

    Exactly! This is what I’m trying to convey from my previous message

    • Like 5
  4. but I definitely know why

    Nope, that’s not it.

    Your personal observation and experience led you to this theory

    and my observation and experience led me to something else

    Either of us doesn’t know the exact answer!

    Sometimes we make simple things complicated (Human Nature)

    • Like 4
  5. They can’t actually tell you why this “re-indexing” occurs and how.

    I don’t know how but I definitely know why

    They want to give chance to new sellers too (and this is what makes Fiverr unique from other freelancing platforms)

    it wouldn’t be possible for Fiverr to put all the gigs on the first page. This is why re-indexing or rotation happens. This way they can give out chance to every seller.

    When we get that chance, it’s on us how to turn the chance into good fortune

    • Like 4
  6. sigh I keep sounding like a broken record, but:

    “There’s no such thing as gig/profile rotation”.

    I think re-indexing would be a better term for it

    Because when I contacted the support team regarding this, they clearly told me that re-indexing of Gigs happens constantly, and sometimes, Gigs with great ratings can get pushed back.

    • Like 4
  7. but manipulation is possible

    Many people think this is possible, many use exchanges of reviews, but wake up with blocked accounts after a while. I don’t understand the purpose and the risk, sooner or later the accounts will be blocked and you will wonder why?

    I never said that Fiverr system can be compromised

    All I’m saying is that we cannot ignore the possibilty of manipulation and exploitation

    Big tech giants spends millions of dollars each year to make their system more secure

    Such possibilities arises when we don’t update ourselves with time

    • Like 2
  8. Let’s say you find out the exact rotation period. What do you do?

    You cannot manipulate anything. It’s advanced stuff no one could figure out.

    I do not have answer to this question

    I just explained to you that what he is trying to convey

    but manipulation is possible

    There are many people out there, who knows how to turn the table!

    • Like 2
  9. I think it’s not about rotation, it’s about how you reach customers with your tags, title, description and images 😉

    just think when a customer wants to buy something here: “oh I’m going to want a logo design that is nice” then that customer will put the following in the search bar “nice logo design” 😉

    Gig rotation does happen! No doubt about it

    I even recently contacted Fiverr support team regarding this

    and this was the response from them

    “As for our algorithm, please bear in mind that our indexing algorithm is automatic and changes frequently, however, this is temporary and that re-indexing of Gigs happens constantly and sometimes, Gigs with great ratings can get pushed back.”

    This makes clear that gig rotation happens irrespective of your good performance

    This way, new sellers also get chance to be on first page

    and this is what makes Fiverr unqiue from other freelancing platform

    • Like 4
  10. If we all knew that it was 12.5 days or whatever

    Gig rotation happens every day, not every 12.5 days.

    I think you didn’t get his point! He is just giving an example

    He said that if we knew the time period of gig rotation in advance, then people would somehow exploit this thing

    • Like 5
  11. many of us facing gig rotation. my gigs are on the 11th page for one 1month now. so I don’t think there is specific time period. use this time to work on your new gigs.

    I heard that this could be happening because of not updating the gig from long time

    on fiverr forum, some users have mentioned that by updating the gig you could restore the ranking

    but some of users also mentioned that updating the gig could make a bad impact on ranking

    • Like 5
  12. I recently became a victim of Fiverr Rotation
    All of sudden, my gigs have been positioned at the last page

    So I believe this happened because of Fiverr rotation algorithm

    Does anyone know the time period of Fiverr Rotation

    To be more specific, For how many days it lasts

    It’s already been 10-15 days but still on the last page

    • Like 11
  13. are not getting new messages or customers.

    I am a TRS and for the past two weeks new buyer inquiries have dropped to almost zero. Thank goodness for my regular buyers otherwise I would be in trouble. Yes it’s forced me to look at ads. I am seeing some sellers that have 2-3 spots on the first page. How can this be right? Some sellers have vanished from the first 3-4 pages.

    I also checked my email and junk files there are no invites as yet.

    New business for me has almost dropped completely.

    I’m amazed to know that even top rated sellers are lacking orders!

    One thing become sure, we can’t rely on Fiverr, we are just depending on Search Algorithm

    It’s better to have more than one source of income?

    • Like 88
    • Up 1
  14. If I’m getting even one sale

    Yes, on a day you get sale.

    But on a days you do not?

    It is like gambling, it will become an addiction.

    You will put 10 and it won’t work. And you are going to think, maybe I picked wrong day, wrong gig, wrong something, just 10 more, just 10 more… and than nothing, and you gonna: Oh, I must get my 20 back, lets put another 10 to get sale… and soon, before you notice, your eventual 100$ sale is going to cost you much more than 10$.

    Everyone has their own perspective!

    But maybe you’re right, it could turn into gambling game

    • Like 87
  15. Will you make this feature available to level one seller in the near future?

    Why? So you can spend $15 to make $12 on order you get by promoting your GIG?

    In order for your GIG to be on the first page, your “bid” must be higher than the rest. So if you, let’s say put that you are willing to pay 1$ for 1 click, and 50 sellers put 1.2$ per click, your GIG is on the second page. Maybe. Since Fiverr still must give the opportunity to new sellers and Level one sellers. So you are page 2 or 3 maybe after paying 50$ for promotion, with no sales.

    But I think this feature is really good for pricey gigs or services! Let’s say, I’m providing full website creation at 100 dollar, If I’m getting even one sale after spending 10 dollar, then I’m getting good ROI (return on investment)

    • Like 91
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