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Posts posted by bismaa_8

  1. 12 hours ago, rawque_gulia said:

    It's never recommended to make many changes at once. Whenever you make any change, it's recommended to wait 3-4 weeks as it takes Fiverr some time to go through your edits and update the algorithm.

    Also the question is, how did your gig impressions drop? Have you conducted any self-analysis on your profile, orders, and interactions with clients to see where things went wrong?

    There could be three reasons for your dropped impressions:

    1. Did the impressions drop after you edited your gig? If yes, consider reverting the changes to the old ones.

    2. If your impressions dropped overnight (without you touching the edit button), then there's a high chance it's due to a negative private review from a buyer. Scroll through your order chats again (to the time when your impressions dropped) and analyze if you faced any conflicts with any client or if there was any dissatisfaction in chats from the buyer. This won't restore your ranking but will help you improve yourself in future orders.

    3. Since you're a seller with just 39 reviews, there's a possibility that you were on a 'temporary boost' from Fiverr as it wanted to give you an opportunity to get some sales. Now that boost may have ended, and you're back to normal impressions. And, since you're selling very generic gigs (like removing background and fixing images), you may not be getting many impressions because the market is flooded with such gigs. Also, not to mention that after the AI tools, there are fewer buyers demanding these gigs.

    Thank you very much for such detailed information. Yes my gigs suddenly got a boost on 29 August and I have been getting orders like daily. And completed 50 orders right now but yes the reviews are just 36 on my main gig. My gig impressions dropped overnight since the new update. Also my success score is 8 right now.

    2- I think the main reason could be my conflict free orders as it is showing room for growth. I contacted CS and they said my gig dropped bcz a client requested for a revision on one of my order. So basically this could be the main reason for my impressions drop. 

    3- even tho the gigs are very basic and there is also AI tools right there but the sellers prefer to use professionals for more accurate results, the AI tools are not much helpful tbh.

    4- It was a dumb move to edit my gig I know but have you ever experienced situation like this before ? If yes then do you have any idea what should I do now? Just wait for the algorithm to boost my gig again?

  2. 23 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    Don't trust YouTube gurus. Some stuff might be true, but in general they just share random things and tips to gain views. So I wouldn't trust them.

    Generally, if you pause gigs, they will derank. Now with the success score system which takes competitor activity into account too, I don't see a world where pausing will help ranking in any way. Change your gig, experiment with various images, descriptions, keywords, etc. 

    First of all Thank you very much for taking your time to reply. And Yes you are absolutely right that's Why I wanted to take some suggestions from the fellows here. And I changed my gig pretty much in past 3 months. Is it truly fine to edit your gig that much? 

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  3. Does pausing the gig actually helps to rank it again?

    Hi everyone, 

    So my gig isn't working well rn. I only get impressions upto 15 or 20. I used to get 1000 impressions daily on this gig. While browsing videos on youtube that how can I rank my gig again, I came through a video and the person was giving tips about that. One of his tip basically was to just pause your gig for a week or 2. And another person said to go offline for a week or 2. I wanted to ask all of you that does this really works? Or these are just lies? 

    My Question 2:

    How can I get briefs on fiverr?

    i have been working on fiverr for 2 years now, niche is photo editing and since the brief update, I haven't got any single brief. I'm level 1 seller and even after changing the prices of my brief, the results are same. So any tips for this one as well?

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  4. 1 hour ago, shahzaib_717 said:

    It is always recommended to create gig descriptions on your own, and the content of gig descriptions should be original.


    The one I had already js my own... I just want to ask is there any drawbacks if you use description generated by AI?

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  5. Hy guys... I want to edit one of gig and I want to use chatgpt for seo gig description. Is it allowed to use chatgpt for our gig seo description? I read one forum and there they said fiverr can derank your gig if you do this but what If instead of copying it from chatgpt and paste on my gig description, can I write manually all the description generated by chatgpt?

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  6. 3 minutes ago, vhskid said:

    Had this as well just now, but killing the app and re-starting showed the new levels' dashboard. 
    I guess this message / screen will also show with not-up-to-date app versions. 

    My public profile just got refreshed as well.
    Funny thing though...

    I haven't had new orders and reviews in the last 2 months. Recently star rating went down from 5.0 to 4.9 (like for other folks), but yesterday it went back to 5.0. 

    I wonder now if this was them messing with the private reviews' impact or if they were reconsidering the 2-year score inclusion window for public reviews, and the way they were calculated into the rating because my only non-5-star review (4.7) is from 5 years ago.

    Did you restart the app?

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