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Everything posted by tobymoynan

  1. This is very thorough well done @tuciemaykay Agree with you, there are no doubt merits to the system. To add my two pence to your insights, I've got some builds on the value for money aspect. I really hope Fiverr heed the thoughts of it's sellers. Now that it's in place, I have to say I find the "value for money" rating really worrying - for all the reasons you've outlined. But another thing I've noticed is that it means there's a negative incentive in a way. I've now done it a few times, and have heard of others doing it, when in the initial stages of a project you are discussing the budget / fee - and the prospective client finds it to be too expensive. Because of the new system, I think it instills a sense of paranoia, and a slight desperation on the part of the seller to avoid a negative review. Therefore the seller declines any further communication with that client, and ends up rejecting a potential sale. I've done this - even when I'd been at the point of renegotiating with the client out of fear that the client will mark me down. This is based on a real experience. I received my first ever sub 5* review literally the day after the new system was introduced - despite agreeing up front with the seller the budget - they then marked me down for it. Hardly encourages retaining clients / repeat buys does it? I think a little bit of adjusting is needed to this new system - there is some pretty widespread dissatisfaction amongst sellers. It also means the platform becomes slightly unpleasant to work on. No one wants to have this constant threat of a negative review hanging over them every time they work through Fiverr. Of course, reviews inspire good work - however the importance Fiverr places on reviews and the impact they have on your sales, coupled with this now enhanced ability for buyers to review in private / other factors to negatively impact your score brings this somewhat nasty level of anxiety to working on the platform which is hardly the best condition to inspire the greatest work.
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