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Everything posted by psychogfx13

  1. Hello there! For starting out, I advise you to have a super vivid description of you gig in the "about the gig" section. This would help your gig to appear more professional and have better position when clients search for the respective service. If you see your gig clicks going down, try to update your gig details or gallery. This would optimize your gig better. If you are fresh to fiverr, I would personally recommend to keep the rates lower than the industry standards. This would help your gig to appeal better and you can always update prices afterwards. Hope this helped you, I'm a newbie seller myself. Lets grow together!
  2. Just checked my fiverr acount. SS of account has been updated to 3 now and client satisfaction says "negative impact" even though the SS of gig says 8.
  3. I tried reaching out to them some hours prior. Waiting for their response
  4. The success score of my only existing gig is 8. But at the level overview why does it shows out to be nil? Any help would be appreciated
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