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  1. I've posted a video gig in my profile with a static thumbnail shot for the first 1-2 seconds and then it rolls into my commercial demo. The problem is that the video "thumbnail" on my gig shows as a random generic frame from the middle of the video and not my desired static thumbnail at the beginning of the video (inserted there for that very purpose). Is there a solution to this problem? Thanks in advance for any and all help!!! Gig link: https://www.fiverr.com/s/br489N Grady
  2. I'm having the same problem with my gig that shows as "active" and that its "appearing in searches"...but it's not when I search it. I've tried to searching in every way I know: my name (Grady Whittenburg), my profile name and handle (Grady W...@gwhittenburg) along with other tags ("american male voice"..."new seller"..."$5). Nothing...very frustrating. I know it will take much time to get traction to increase my business adding this platform to my current efforts, but when you can't find yourself in a simple, straight forward search, something is out of whack.
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