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Everything posted by ceanacraig

  1. All I have had so far is scammers contacting me, sadly. Thanks guys!!!
  2. Thanks so much for the warm welcomes!!
  3. One of them is. The other was instantly banned. I can neither send a reply nor an offer.
  4. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I saw the post from the next guy and thought, "Man, he's good". I'm autistic, so I'm not good at those attention-grabbing phrases. I'll have to get a friend to help me with those. Thanks again!!! So glad to be part of the community.
  5. Thanks so much for the advise. I have already and am already doing these things. I have not yet invested in certain software I want, because it's hard to pay the prices if you aren't making any money yet. Sadly, sending offers or just answering messages isn't working for me, and even https://sellers.fiverr.com/en/article/best-practices-for-new-fiverr-sellers will not load for me. I sent a request for help to customer service. So far, all I've gotten is two contacts, both trying to take it off of Fiverr. Is that what I will be doing here? Fielding messages from people trying to scam me and get around the system on here? The first contact was an obvious scam. The English was questionable, it was a LOT of money for a small task, and they insisted I should translate from one of my A languages to a B language, or even a C language, I would call it. I hope this will turn around. I'm going to do more research, rework my gig, finish writing my second gig, then promote myself some more on my YouTube and Instagram.
  6. Hi All, I've been trying to create an offer in response to an inquiry, but no matter what I do, when I try to submit it, I get an error message that just reads something has gone wrong. Any experience with this or insights? I have assured that I did not exceed word counts. I have 5 similar milestones. The inquiry was a pdf file asking me to contact the person through Telegraph, which I did not do. I'm trying to make them an offer on Fiverr that they can either accept or perhaps make a counter-proposal, but I cannot get the offer submitted. Thanks in advance! Ceana Craig
  7. Hi all, I'm a new seller on Fiverr. So far, I have had two weird offers; both pdf files trying to take transactions off Fiverr. I'll be looking for tips on how to attract a better quality of clientele. 🙂 I thought I would come on Fiverr, offer my services, receive bids where the buyer tells me approximately what they need, then we could settle on a contract for services and a price. So far, everything seems to be much more complicated than that. I have 2 BAs from the USA, and a schooling in German (and in Germany) as a technical writer (1.0 GPA, which is a 4.0 in the USA). I worked here in Germany tutoring children, until I got the re-schooling. Afterward, I worked for GlobalFoundries and Faro 3D software as a senior technical writer for 12 years in total. I was suffering last year from clinical burn-out, so I took a career-break. Now, I've decided to use my language and editing skills as a freelancer, where I can control my own workload. I'm very glad to be a part of this community. Thank you in advance for your warm welcomes. Ceana Craig (Scottish Cs are Ks)
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