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Everything posted by den_soft

  1. @donnovan86 Even if it did, do you think they give second chances. because whatever it was, it was intentional.
  2. I'm a level 2 seller. I have around 100+ reviews with 4.9 average rating. All my customers are satisfied with me. I mostly have repeat buyers. I offer web development related services. I become a level 2 seller within a year from opening an account. Today, I have received this and I'm so scared. can anyone help me please? I have received 1 warning before about "manipulating the delivery button". I have not done it again. I don't know what I have done wrong. I've asked them on the support but have received only a generic response. I've asked them to respond and let me know my mistake so that I can fix it. Does fiverr "forgive" and give you a second chance. I don't think whatever i may have done is so serious that they disable my account.
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