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Posts posted by robbyhart

  1. Hi there, about 2 months I received a notice from Fiverr that my account was temporarily disabled for violating the terms of service.  Specifically, for trying to conduct business outside the platform.  I never tried once to do so.  In fact, when I would receive the occasional message from potential buyers asking to work off the platform, I would very specifically say "That violates Fiverr's terms of service, I'm happy to work with you on Fiverr" every time. 

    I received the attached email.  What do I do from here?  I have read through the terms of service and have not violated any of the terms, so this has to be an error?  Am I just never allowed to sell on Fiverr again?  All the messages I'm receiving just seem automated and I don't think a human has actually reviewed anything.  This is all just very confusing to me, and I don't know if a glitch is happening with Fiverr's new rating system rollout?  


    Any advice?  

    Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 7.44.17 PM.png

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  2. Hey everyone!  Got this notification from Fiverr and I'm quite confused, I never attempted to do so.  If anything, when buyers have suggested going off platform I literally have a copy/paste template that I say everytime that says "Unfortunately that violates Fiverr's terms of service.  I'm happy to help you with your project via Fiverr."  The only thing I can think of is I did have someone the other day really angry at me because I wouldn't lower my prices for them.  I never reported them and just stopped responding after awhile, but could they have reported me?  I just don't understand. 

    Also, for those have been in this situation it states that the review can take up to 60 days.  Has anyone found this to be the case that it takes that long?  Really bummed because I was getting a lot of momentum on this platform as a newer seller.  Thanks for your help!!!  

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  3. Have bought from Fiverr quite a bit, and going to become a seller.  I'm wondering whether to deactivate my previous account and make a new one.  Mainly the concern is not being able to change the username.  


    However, I do have a lot of positive reviews as a buyer on the platform.  Will that help me as a new seller, or is that not visible to the buyer?  Thanks all!!  🙂 

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