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  1. It's already been more than two days since the ticket is open. Please send the genuine response instead of copy pasting automated message. Thank you
  2. Hi everyone, I recently withdrew a balance of my fiverr account using the bank transfer method connected to my Payoneer account on July 1. What strange is, I have not received any emails from Fiverr or Payoneer regarding the transfer(Neither any confirmation or updates mail about the withdrawal). It's already more than eight days. Additionally, I have not yet received the funds in my bank account too. My Payoneer account also does not show any record of the funds being transferred. I contacted fiverr support but they seems to send the automated message. I am very confused, Can you please guide me on what to do next ?
  3. Hi, I am also having the same issue, Can you tell me how did you solve it ?
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