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Everything posted by doctorzikria

  1. Hello super experts. I need your help Last year I became Level 2 seller and enioyed it for many months then one client gave bad review and one order I cancelled due to miscommunication by client. Meanwhile fiverr introduced SUCCESS SCORE due to which I again deranked to Level 1 Now after 2-3 months i havr completed around 7 orders with good ratings but FIVERR is not improving my success score nor my level 2 (all other criteria is fulfilled) PLEASE NEED SUGGESTIONS AND HELP IN THIS. it's my right to be level 2 again
  2. Yes iam demoted from level 2 due to new level system Yes it's a very difficult time as Financially it is very shattering But Iam hoping for best. I made a gig but it was dis approved. Now iam waiting for any order
  3. Okay I have not reviewed any order in past 1.5 months and it has shattered me financially 😞
  4. Hi it's me Zikria Aqeel I was previously Level 2 seller. One and a half month ago one of the clients gave me 1 star Idk why. I done perfectly according to her demand but she just gave away 1 star. the issue is iam not receiving enough clicks impressions and messages after that. Iam very stressed please help me how can i improve my clicks and impressions now? (Before this i was getting good clicks and conversions)
  5. When a client comes first time and tell requirements. Shall we ask for his / her budget or tell them our budget first?
  6. making my home from own earning. still got no self sustained source 🥺
  7. @vickieito your stance on this please.
  8. I get many clicks but conversion rate is around 0.5% only how can I improve it
  9. Hi @vickieito Alright @vickieito
  10. Hi @vickieitoThanks a lot for your time. Although my gigs are not so much highly paid the maximum I got till now is around 300$. That's why i fear if I set the price so high and lose some clients who have smaller work and i end up having no orders at all though iam having many good reviews on my gigs and working from last 1.5 years. So in this case what Shall I do?
  11. Hi mates, I have almost around 80 orders completed but still find sometimes difficult to communicate effectively ending up in getting the price which I think is lower as compared to what I deserve. So what shall be the proper communication skills? Need Guidance from seniors
  12. Exactly the case with me. I lost a highly experienced FIVERR SELECT buyers for two times.
  13. We don't always have access to our windows. But mobile phone is always on our hand. We don't know anything while talking to a client. We know some need discount but some are very professional being Fiverr select usually so we shall know before hand who is having what caliber. I lost a client due to this issue recently
  14. Hi mates. I have concerns with fiverr app. Why Fiverr app never shows us the history of buyer as a buyer? It's just we have to login to laptop or pc to see if the buyer is worth working or not. Sometimes after the order is placed we come to know that the buyer was having bad reviews from other sellers or he is a FIVERR SELECT when we have lost deal with him. So can this feature be updated in the app so that sellers have clear cut idea whether this buyer is worth dealing with or not? Best Regards
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